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Video about our company

LLC «SELENA» — is a scientific and production chemical company.
The Company focuses on development, production and introduction of innovative additives and reagents based on them for road construction.


The strategic goal of our company is to strengthen its status as a leader among companies supplying the road industry by diversifying its markets and product range, ensuring sustainable development and increased efficiency, using scientific and technological potential and innovation.

Selena sees its mission in reliable, efficient and balanced supply of chemical products and other additives and modifiers to consumers.


Application of 100% recycled asphalt concrete (RAP) for patching repairs with the addition of Revobite

Asphalt granulate (RAP) can be reused, thanks to the use of special recovery additives such as “Revobit”. Krasnoyarsk road workers managed to find the golden mean between large production facilities and mobile recyclers. Now patching and restoration of landscaping after utilities work can be done almost all year round. Read more…


From 16 to 18 October 2018 the International Specialized Exhibition “Road 2018” took place. in the Kazan Expo Exhibition Center. The event was held on the eve of the Road Workers Day with the support of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation and the Federal Road Agency.

Hot regeneration of asphalt concrete with “Revobit”

In June 2020, in the Arkhangelsk region, Sevzapdorstroy renovated one of the busiest streets of the industrial district of the regional center using the technology of hot regeneration of asphalt concrete. A special rejuvenating reagent – Revobit – was used to restore the properties of the old asphalt concrete surface. More

International specialized exhibition “Road 2019”

The company “Selena” took an active part in the international specialized exhibition “Road 2019” in Ekaterinburg, where it presented a wide range of products for road construction. The company’s stand was visited by the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev.

Technical seminar in Kazakhstan

In the city of Nur-Sultan a technical seminar on the application of drugs for road construction was held, organized by the company “OPTIMUS KZ” together with the specialists of the plant of road asphalt additives manufacturer “Selena”.

Concentrated liquid remedy “Antibit”

The product is used to treat metal surfaces of road construction equipment to eliminate adhesion of bitumen and ABS. It provides protection of rollers of metal and rubberized rollers. Protects metal parts of pavers, bitumen carriers, parts of asphalt plants – buckets, skip and car bodies. More

Impregnations for road pavements «Silkout»

Innovation product for preventive protection and “rejuvenation” of all types of asphalt concrete coating and extending overhaul periods on 2-3 years. More

Application of additives for “warm” asphalt in Shebekinsky urban district

In 2020, road repair could begin in January. Modern technologies, including the use of special additives, made it possible to start repairing the roadway in January, thanks to the so-called “warm” asphalt concrete technology implemented in the region.

International exhibition “Kazavtodor – Kaztraffic 2018”

The annual international exhibition Kazavtodor – Kaztraffic 2018 took place in Astana in the exhibition center “Көрме”, which is one of the major exhibitions in the road area in Central Asia. The company “Selena” presented the latest achievements in the field of road construction, repair, maintenance of roads, reached agreements with the largest scientific and road-building organizations in Kazakhstan.. Подробнее

Laying of asphalt concrete mixture of crushed stone-mastic asphalt concrete-15 with stabilizing additive Nanobit-SD and adhesive DAD-K

Laying warm asphalt concrete mix with additive DAD-TA

VI International Scientific and Practical Conference “Innovative technologies: ways to increase the overhaul service life of highways»

On January 30, 2020, the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference was held within the framework of the 78th INTERNATIONAL SCIENCE-METHODIC AND SCIENCE-Scientific-Research CONFERENCE of MADI, dedicated to the 90th Summer Jubilee of Universitet

Seminar “Day of Quality”

On July 4, 2019 on the territory of CJSC “Sudzhansky DRSU 16” a seminar “Day of Quality” was held. At the event, organized by the Road Committee of Kursk region, they discussed modern progressive technologies of asphalt concrete mixtures production, improvement of efficiency of road construction, quality of repair and maintenance of roads, improvement of traffic management. 

77th International Scientific and Methodical Research Conference MADI “Association of Asphalt Concrete Researchers”.

In the course of the conference, acute issues related to changes in the modern regulatory framework for road construction were raised, innovative methods for researching bituminous binders and asphalt concrete were discussed, and new technologies and approaches for obtaining polymer bituminous binders were presented.

Seminar “Application of innovative technologies in road construction

On March 29, 2019, a seminar “Application of Innovative Technologies in Road Construction” was held in Kursk, organized by the Committee for Construction and Operation of Highways in Kursk Region.