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NanoBit-SD+TA . Pellets for Fiber Modifed Asphalt Mixtures + Warm Mix Asphalt additive
NANOBIT-SD+TA stabilizing agent is intended to be added to the stone matrix asphalt mix at the stage of preparation in order to ensure resistance to the mix separation within the draindown limits during pre-storage in storage bins and during transportation to the paving location. Additionally, it gives the effect of “warm mix asphalt”.
NANOBIT-SD+TA – Brown granules up to 8 mm long, 4 mm in diameter.

Main Advantages
Package and Storage
The agent is packaged in bags with a capacity of 1 m³ or more (big bags), as well as in bags made of polyethylene film. The agent mass in bags shall not exceed 8 kg. The package shall ensure the air tightness, preservation of the agent mass and properties in the course of transportation and storage. The package shall protect the agent from the moisture of the ambient air.
The warranty storage period is 1 year from the date of production. The opened bags are recommended to be used within 24 hours.
Application Technology
The stabilizing granular agent is recommended to be added to the mixer of a modern asphalt-mixing plant onto a heated aggregate prior to feeding or together with mineral powder, providing for “dry” mixing in batch-type mixers for 15-20 seconds.
The stabilizing agent must be evenly distributed in the asphalt binder. It is recommended to use special dosing feeders to inject the additive.
Technical documentation

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